Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Make-A-Wish Paparazzi!!!

This morning, I acted as the paparazzi with a bunch of other photographers to help Make-A-Wish give pop star Cayden a spectacular send off to LA so he can record a song!  The whole thing was a surprise, and his entire school was there lining the way with signs and screams!  It was all pretty impressive:)
We finally got a glimpse of the star, but his security was tight! You might recognize some of the guys, they play for the Huskers!
Signing autographs like a real pro.
He was cool as a cucumber walking through the screaming masses of fans:)
At the end of the red carpet a sweet limo waited to take him and his entourage to KFRX for a quick interview.
Saying goodbye to his friends and fans.
There were so many people out!
A roaring group of motorcycle riders guarded the limo all the way to KFRX.
The Husker cheerleaders were there to greet him, as well as tons more fans!
The paparazzi was EVERYWHERE!! Makes me glad I only have to fight Uncle Bob at weddings to get a shot of the bride & groom!
This paparazzi stuff is hard work, whew! Have a great time in LA, Cayden!  Thanks Make-A-Wish for making such an amazing memory for us all!

1 comment:

  1. I listened to this all morning! I was so excited and happy! I wanted to go down to KFRX but i had was such a great thing!
